Plasticizing facial massage according to the method of the Spanish doctor Enrique Castells Garcia.
This type of facial massage is aimed at preventing age-related changes in the face, as an effective complex therapy for existing disorders of the nervous system, restoration and strengthening.
During the procedure, the master affects the skin, uses kneading and relaxation techniques, without pain.
The results of facial massage:
increasing the elasticity and elasticity of the skin;
smoothing out fine lines, including in the area around the eyes;
face oval modeling;
·improving the color and texture of the skin, giving it a fresh look;
elimination of puffiness, congestion, lymphatic drainage of facial tissues;
increased muscle tone and, as a result, the elimination of facial wrinkles
Plasticizing massage helps to cope with various psychosomatic pain syndromes and relieves tension headaches. The neuro-sedative technique of this type of massage is used for increased irritability, sleep disorders, neuroses, apathy, as well as hypertension, angina pectoris, and some skin diseases.
Indications for a relaxing massage:
emotional fatigue;
physical stress;
altered muscle tone;
senile facial skin changes, gravitational ptosis
oncological diseases;
fever, acute respiratory viral infections;
recent surgical intervention in the head and neck area;
skin diseases;
allergy to oils, flavored products that are used during the session;
the presence of severe somatic pathology;
exacerbation of chronic diseases.
Duration and cost:
55 minutes 2,500 rubles
You can make an appointment by phone number: 8 (343) 214 76 56
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