AMAKS "EcoPark" Ekaterinburg
En Ру

Medical programs — AMAKS EcoPark Yekaterinburg Resort

Санаторно-курортное лечение

Sanatorium and resort package for adults

The AMAKS EcoPark Resort is a branch of the AMAKS Ust-Kachka resort. Mud was brought to us from the Suksunskoye ...

The human body, like a sponge, passes through itself everything it encounters in the process of vital activity: toxins, medicines,...
We offer you individual wellness programs designed by a doctor taking into account your characteristics

Лечебные программы

Lightness in the legs
Your health is in your legs
Rest for mom
Holidays for Mom. Happy mom, happy family
Immunity is on top
The "Immunity at Altitude" program is the optimal solution if you want to strengthen your health potential, reduce the risk of the...
Healthy sleep

Our program will provide a full rest and help to normalize sleep.

Two-day wellness tour
A tour for two, which will help relieve tension and improve your health.

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